Measures for SU students and staff who are suspected to be infected with the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)


Director of Health Care Center

The season of Influenza has begun, we would ask to our university’s students and staff to pay attention to take basic measures for prevention such as washing hands, gargling, manner of coughing, wearing a mask and avoiding crowds.

Conditions stated below should consult with the nearest municipal health center by phone and follow their instructions instead of coming to the university.
*A fever at 37.5 degree or over with some respiratory symptoms (cough or difficulty of breathing)
*Matching either (1) or (2)
(1)Recently been to Hubei Province including Wuhan city, China, less than 2 weeks after presenting symptoms.
(2)Contacted someone who has been to Hubei Province including Wuhan city and also has some respiratory symptoms (cough or difficulty of breathing).

Shizuoka-city Health Center (Shizuoka-shi Hokenjo) :054-249-3172
Hamamatsu-city Health Center (Hamamatsu-shi Hokenjo) :053-453-6111

Also, please inform the University Health Care Center of what you have been instructed by the above health officials.

Health Care Center in Shizuoka Campus : 054-238-4468
Health Care Branch in Hamamatsu Campus : 053-478-1012

(Special Information Center)
Shizuoka prefectural government office : 054-221-8560 (weekdays 8:30am to 5pm)
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare : 03-3595-2285 (9am to 9pm)