The 7th International Symposium "ISFAR-SU 2021" was held


 Six departments of Shizuoka University, Research Institute of Electronics, Research Institute of Green Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Cooperative Major in Medical Photonics, Headquarters for promotion of Interdisciplinary Domain Research, and Future Scientists' School program jointly held The 7th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University 2021 (ISFAR-SU 2021) ~ Joint International Workshops on Advanced Nanovision Science / Advanced Green Science / Promotion of Global Young Researchers, on the basis of Interdisciplinary Domain Researches~ online on Friday, March 5th.

 The 7th symposium was distributed on Zoom as a countermeasure against the infection of COVID-19, with the aim of deepening the diversity, internationality, and innovation of research and education at Shizuoka University. About 70 people, including researchers and students, participated in research fields centered on informatics, energy systems, nanovision science, nanomaterials, basic research, environment science, integrated bioscience and medical photonics.

 The symposium began with the opening remarks by President Kiyoshi Ishii, followed by plenary speeches by Professor Terrence J. Collins of Carnegie Mellon University in the United States and Professor P. Aruna Priya of the SRM Institute of Science and Technology in India. The afternoon program was divided into two sessions. Area 1 involved 5 invited speakers from universities and research institutes in China, Malaysia and Japan. Area 2 involved 6 invited speakers from India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Japan.

Opening remarks by President Kiyoshi Ishii of Shizuoka University

Opening remarks by President Kiyoshi Ishii of Shizuoka University

 In addition, twenty doctoral students in each research field, three young researchers and three high-school students attending the "Future Scientist’ School" operated by Shizuoka University as a consignment project of the "Global Science Campus" of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) made a presentation video in advance to present their research results in English and announced it on the symposium website. After that, Q&A and opinions about the research contents were exchanged by e-mail. In the final ceremony of the symposium, seven students and young researchers won the best presentation award.
 This time, as it was the first online event, there were some operational issues, but it will be a place to announce new research results, and also it was an opportunity to further promote international joint research in the future and to train researchers who will lead the next generation globally.

 We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to all speakers and all the staff.

 List of winners

List of winners

From the left, Plenary Speech 1 : Professor Terrence J. Collins (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Plenary Speech 2 : Professor P. Aruna Priya (SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India)