Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology

Outline of Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology

At Shizuoka University, April 2015 has brought integration of the Graduate Schools of Informatics, Science, Engineering and Agriculture into the Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology (a master’s degree study program).

The previous four graduate schools (spanning 15 departments) in science and technology have been newly combined into a single graduate school (offering four departments with 16 courses). This heralds the launch of a new educational structure positioned to supply interdisciplinary programs extending beyond the framework of graduate school units and departments that had been adopted to date. On the curriculum front, the following initiatives are being developed: (1) Establishment of “graduate school common subjects” and a sub-department system aimed at instilling greater educational collaboration between basic science and applied engineering, accompanied by fusion between agriculture and engineering, informatics and engineering, science and agriculture and other hybrid educational programs geared to cultivate the ability to assume more “commanding overlooks” of subject matter across more extensive perspectives. (2) Subjects supporting progress in the practical English abilities needed to deliver presentations at academic conferences and compose papers in English; subjects dealing with the present state of science and technology in Japan, the status quo and challenges of local companies in expanding their business operations overseas and other matters in English; increased English-language subjects in all departments; expanded hosting of international students stemming from the ability to earn degrees in English alone; and cultivation of “globalization-friendly abilities.” (3) Introduction of advanced internships utilizing graduate school common doctorate career subjects, double-degree programs (DDP) and other international collaboration to help foster students capable of pursuing careers through the earning of doctorate degrees.

Organization Chart

Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology (Master’s Program)
Department of Informatics
(60 students)
› Informatics Course
Department of Science
(70 students)
› Mathematics Course
› Physics Course
› Chemistry Course
› Biological Science Course
› Geosciences Course
Department of Engineering
(322 students)
› Mechanical Engineering Course
› Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course
› Electronics and Materials Science Course
› Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering Course
› Mathematical and Systems Engineering Course
› Management of Business Development Course
Department of Agriculture
(82 students)
› Bioresource Science Course
› Applied Life Science Course
Master’s Course Interdisciplinary Educational Program

Collaboration between basic (science) and applied (agriculture, engineering and informatics) disciplines

Globalization and doctorate career support across departmental borders

Sub-departments introduced to support innovative personnel development driven by interdisciplinary fusion

Departmental Outlines

Department of Informatics

This department envisions solutions to the vast range of issues currently being encountered by Japan and the international community. The goal is to cope with the increasingly sophisticated information society now evolving with great speed and momentum, marshalling the natural fusion existing between informatics and information sociology. Toward that end, programs are positioned to promote higher academic achievements in informatics, while cultivating the fine caliber of specialized professionals demanded by today’s increasingly advanced information society. The department offers a curriculum comprised of three programs based on the undergraduate program format, along with a special program targeting reeducation of those already active in the workforce. Profiles of these four programs and their respective educational goals are as follows.

  • Computer Science (CS) Program Educational Goals
    Learning of highly systematized sophisticated knowledge structures pertaining to modeling, abstraction, virtualization and other informatics, in striving to cultivate human resources capable of generating vigorous new value.
  • Behavior Informatics (BI) Program Educational Goals
    Fostering of persons capable of implementing versatile analysis of a diversified range of social organizations, leading to the planning, design, development, operation, evaluation and sustained enhancement of information systems.
  • Information Society Design (ID) Program Educational Goals
    Training of graduates competent in discovering, analyzing and proposing solutions for problems in the real world, going on to generate new value while adhering to the basic concepts of governance.
  • Special Program for Worker Reeducation
    This program furnishes a venue for current members of the workforce to relearn and update themselves on the latest developments in the rapidly evolving realm of IT-related fields. It is structured to nurture professionals with systematized and cutting-edge knowledge of the technologies, social issues and other key aspects of information-related fields.

Department of Science

Recent years have produced astounding progress in science and technology, underscoring the ever-increasing importance of further enrichment and development of the basic sciences and educational research supporting the foundation of these advances. Accompanying such strides forward in science and technology has been greater segmentation and specialization in the directions taken by the various domains of basic science. With respect to academic research and human resource cultivation, this has generated the pressing need to instill the ability to assume a broad and commanding grasp of science and technology. Within today’s decidedly advanced scientific and technologically oriented society, there is a steady stream of diversified issues and needs that can no longer be dealt with on the strength of narrow specialized knowledge alone. Imperative, therefore, is the supplementation of sophisticated expertise and know-how required to manage such demands with broad-based understanding of science and technology. Within the department, students strive from the foundation of numerous fields of basic science to engage in interdisciplinary education and research linking related sectors, striving to deepen their grasp of nature and contribute to the progress of society. The programs similarly seek to cultivate persons with broad perspectives spanning the highly advanced and evolving scientific and technological world in which we live, who will be capable of exercising problem-solving abilities rooted in the groundwork of basic science. The Science Department offers five courses – the Mathematics Course, Physics Course, Chemistry Course, Biological Science Course and Geosciences Course. Students are able to engage in specialized studies within each of these basic science fields, while also using subjects common throughout the graduate school to cultivate sweeping overviews of the current state of science and technology. In a very real sense, this is an educational stance structured to further deepen and expand fruitful understanding and vision.

Department of Engineering

The world today is rapidly moving into a major transitional period, with the majority of industrial sectors encountering keen needs for human resources capable of leading the quest for greater innovation. Indeed, the level of importance has never been greater for renewable energy and low-environmental-impact technologies linked to green innovation; medical-engineering and agriculture-engineering hybrid technologies targeting lifestyle innovation; measuring and inspection technologies envisioning safer, more secure and comfortable local communities; simulation technologies and other cutting-edge know-how. Demands are also on the rise for innovative people capable of being entrusted with the task of bringing change and upheaval on the economic and social fronts. Indicative of this trend, knowledge limited to certain specialized fields is no longer adequate to effectively address such needs. Instead, there is a rapidly expanding call for profound wisdom and understanding in interdisciplinary domains. For the individuals involved, this means attaining broad-based education and genuinely international perspectives, communication skills and other crucial capabilities. During their time at the Engineering Department, students have the opportunity to expand learning beyond particular fields of specialty. This includes seizing the initiative in probing the basics of other fields in which they develop interests, forging more complete identities as scholars of engineering while nurturing a grasp of the greater picture of the engineering discipline. The goal inherent in the coursework is to cultivate human resources capable of continuing to come to grips with complex issues after graduation and completion of master’s degrees as well, while similarly marshalling self-study to achieve greater levels of personal growth and development. The Engineering Department offers five core courses – the Mechanical Engineering Course, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course, Electronics and Materials Science Course, Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering Course and the Mathematical and Systems Engineering Course. Also available is the Management of Business Development Course, which is structured as a program to cultivate individuals with a practical and working grasp of both the technology and the management skills needed to excel in the engineering domain.

Department of Agriculture

The roles and functions of agriculture in surmounting the tremendous array of issues facing contemporary society have grown immense indeed. The challenges inherent in this scenario include mounting viable responses to the global-scale rise in population and food shortages, while likewise dealing with the accompanying destruction of the natural environment. In Japan, key areas of attention include maintaining stable food supplies, preservation of natural environments and mountain villages and woodlands leading to effective disaster prevention, addressing the deterioration of primary industries that has been spurred by the nation’s declining birthrate and aging population and other problems. To effectively target these situations, there is a pressing need for comprehensive and interdisciplinary research encompassing the food, clothing and shelter that comprise the very foundation of human subsistence, together with the surrounding domains. These demands naturally extend to the training of technicians capable of rapidly responding to unforeseeable changes in social lifestyles, industrial structures and other realms certain to emerge over the years to come. At the Agriculture Department, students engage in education and research rooted in the basics of environmental science and bioscience, strategically structured to deepen their grasp of scientific principles and technologies aimed at fulfilling the requirements for building food, clothing and shelter infrastructure. Throughout all of the departmental programs, the core objective lies in cultivating graduates capable of making sound contributions to the sustained development of regional societies and ultimately, the global community. The Agriculture Department furnishes two courses: the Bioresource Science Course, Applied Life Science Course. The curriculums are arranged to empower students to both master the basics of agriculture, while likewise learning in specialized fields expanding from those essentials, effectively enhancing their total understanding in the distinctive research fields covered in each particular course.

Information on the Entrance Examinations

For students from the countries/region* to which ABP scholarship applies.

  • *Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Korea, Singapore, Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, Taiwan

[About ABP Scholarship]

For 2025 ABP Master's course admission, it is expected that maximum 20 students from the ABP countries will receive a financial support of 40,000 JPY per month for the first 12 months.
All successful applicants will be evaluated for this financial aid (no need for application), and the recipients will be selected according to their performance at the entrance examinations (document screening and interview examination).

[About JASSO Scholarship (Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students))]

Shizuoka University recommends students, who are selected based on their performance at the entrance examinations, to JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) as the scholarship candidates. Please note that the candidates are required to have a certain level of English language proficiency (equivalent to or above CEFR B2 level) to be eligible for this scholarship.


  1. In case of any changes in the application requirements, announcement(s) will be made on the JASSO website around February 2024. Please check for updates regularly.
  2. Satisfying all the eligibility requirements does NOT mean your JASSO scholarship is guaranteed.
  3. Students applying for Shizuoka University from within Japan are NOT eligible for this JASSO scholarship.

For students from the countries/region* OTHER THAN below.

  • *Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia,Korea, Singapore, Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, Taiwan

[About JASSO Scholarship (Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International students)]

Shizuoka University recommends students, who are selected based on their performance at the entrance examinations, to JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) as the scholarship candidates. Please note that the candidates are required to have a certain level of English language proficiency (equivalent to or above CEFR B2 level) to be eligible for this scholarship.


  1. In case of any changes in the application requirements, announcement(s) will be made on the JASSO website around February 2025. Please check for updates regularly.
  2. Satisfying all the eligibility requirements does NOT mean your JASSO scholarship is guaranteed.
  3. Students applying for Shizuoka University from within Japan are NOT eligible for this JASSO scholarship.

Preliminary Review of Eligibility Requirement 3b)

All the documents must arrive at each department of Shizuoka University no later than Friday, January 24, 2025. The result of the preliminary review will be notified by Thursday, February 20, 2025.
Applicants who fulfill the Eligibility Requirement 3a) do not need to apply for the preliminary review.

Online Application System

Master's program online application site will open from noon, March 10 (Monday) to noon, March 14 (Friday), 2025.

Result of First Round Selection

First round selection results will be announced on the following Departments' websites on Tuesday, May 1, 2025

Results of Second Round of Selection

Second round selection results will be announced on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 on the same websites above.

Further Information