【Results Announcement】Shizuoka University Student Photo Competition 2024


We would like to thank all the applicants who entered many wonderful photos that showed the attraction of Shizuka University!
As a result of the selection, we are pleased to announce the prize-winners as follows.

See the detail of this competition here.

【The Grand Prize】

  “Sunset from informatics building”  Applicant's name:ARIJIT DAS  The sunset is captured at the perfect time, and the composition of this work is nicely chosen. It is beautiful with the setting sun in the center and the clouds spreading out over the sunset sky.

“Sunset from informatics building”
Applicant's name:ARIJIT DAS

The sunset is captured at the perfect time, and the composition of this work is nicely chosen. It is beautiful with the setting sun in the center and the clouds spreading out over the sunset sky.

   【The President’s Prize】  “飛んだ!”  Applicant's name:Iida Keitatsu  This is an impressive shot of a lively Shizudai student. The moment of flight is well taken, with a sense of speed and the joy of flying coming through.

【The President’s Prize】

Applicant's name:Iida Keitatsu

This is an impressive shot of a lively Shizudai student. The moment of flight is well taken, with a sense of speed and the joy of flying coming through.

   【The head of public relations strategy office’s Prize】  “七色の空といつものキャンパス”  Applicant's name:Matsuyama Asuka  The colors are unique and picturesque. The campus and city center are well composed, and the soft colors are stunning.

【The head of public relations strategy office’s Prize】

Applicant's name:Matsuyama Asuka

The colors are unique and picturesque. The campus and city center are well composed, and the soft colors are stunning.

   【The Shizudai student PR Supporters’ Prize】  “視線”  Applicant's name:Nakano Yuma  As the title suggests, this is a piece with a strong impact of the gaze. It is a work that shows the power and earnestness of the subject's attitude through the power of the eyes.

【The Shizudai student PR Supporters’ Prize】

Applicant's name:Nakano Yuma

As the title suggests, this is a piece with a strong impact of the gaze. It is a work that shows the power and earnestness of the subject's attitude through the power of the eyes.

【Shizuppi’s Prize】

  “Whispering Snow”  Applicant's name:RAFI MD ASHIFUJJMAN  This work has captured the natural figure of a student and the everyday life of the campus. With its beautiful golden carpet, it gives a sense of the serenity of autumn.

“Whispering Snow”
Applicant's name:RAFI MD ASHIFUJJMAN

This work has captured the natural figure of a student and the everyday life of the campus. With its beautiful golden carpet, it gives a sense of the serenity of autumn.

  “Master 1st year”  Applicant's name:TOE MYINT AUNG  Students seem to be enjoying themselves, and characters on the Hanshi paper are interesting. This is a scene representative of the global environment of Shizudai, where many international students study.

“Master 1st year”
Applicant's name:TOE MYINT AUNG

Students seem to be enjoying themselves, and characters on the Hanshi paper are interesting. This is a scene representative of the global environment of Shizudai, where many international students study.

  “初夏の帰り道”  Applicant's name:Sugiyama Haruna  A shot that conveys the scene at the Shizuoka campus. The contrast of the blue sky, the green of the trees, and the yellow of the staircase is fine in this work, capturing an ordinary day of the campus.

Applicant's name:Sugiyama Haruna

A shot that conveys the scene at the Shizuoka campus. The contrast of the blue sky, the green of the trees, and the yellow of the staircase is fine in this work, capturing an ordinary day of the campus.

  “100年前もきっと誰かが手に取って読んだだろう”  Applicant's name:Furinkazan  The student reaching for old books in the collection conveys the history of the university and the desire for knowledge. This photo nicely expresses the atmosphere of the university library.

Applicant's name:Furinkazan

The student reaching for old books in the collection conveys the history of the university and the desire for knowledge. This photo nicely expresses the atmosphere of the university library.

  “雨上がりの夕暮れ”  Applicant's name:Fuyu no himawari  This reflection photo is a unique one with a composition looking up. The symbolic joint research laboratory building of Hamamatsu campus and the setting sun are impressive.

Applicant's name:Fuyu no himawari

This reflection photo is a unique one with a composition looking up. The symbolic joint research laboratory building of Hamamatsu campus and the setting sun are impressive.

Above, nine works received awards.
We will make the best use of the entry works for future PR activities of our university!

*Unauthorized use or reproduction of any photographs on this competition is prohibited.


Shizuoka University, Public Relations and Funding Section.
*please change [at] to @.