Certificate Application (For Alumni)

About the Collection of Issuance Fees

  • Shizuoka University began collecting certificate issuance fees from alumni based on the viewpoint of beneficiaries' burden and requests for self-income acquisition by national university corporations, even though these fees were not required until this time.
  • We appreciate your understanding that certificates applied for after July 1st, 2019 will be charged issuance fees.

Fee Payment Procedure

[1] Amount of Fee

Certificate Fees per Copy Same Time Application Fee
Japanese English
Certificate of Graduation and Diploma 400 JPY 800 JPY Multiple copies of the same certificate(s) requested through a single application:

400 JPY (per copy)

e.g. A simultaneous application for 3 English
800 + 400 * 2 = 1600 JPY
Transcript of University Record
Transcript for License Application
Transcript for Teacher's License Application 800 JPY
  • The applicant must bear transfer fees.
  • Please be very careful not to pay over or under the correct amount. In case you have paid an incorrect amount, please contact the "Application and Contact Offices" as soon as possible.
  • Multiple "Transcript for Teacher's License Applications" where the category or subject is different will not be treated as identical certificates.

[2] Bank Account


  • Please don't transfer money if you are living overseas. (The issuance fees will be exempt.)
  • The information below is for applicants living in Japan.

(A) Transfer from Japan Post Bank

Account Symbol
Account Number
Name of Payee
National University Cooperation Shizuoka University

(B) Transfer from Other Banks

Bank Name
Japan Post Bank
Bank Code
Branch Code
Account type
Checking Account
Account Number
Name of Payee
National University Cooperation Shizuoka University
  • Payment by cash or postal money order, etc. is not acceptable.
  • Submit the certificate application form immediately after you have paid the fee. Please contact your “Application and Contact Offices” if the submission takes more than a week.
  • The account number has changed as of September 2019.

[3] Transfer Method

(A) ATM Transfer from Japan Post Bank or Other Financial Institutions

  • If the applicant and the account holder are different, enter the applicant’s name when operating the ATM.
  • IPaste the statement slip from the ATM (original or copy) that shows the transfer date, transfer amount, transfer account, and the person making the transfer on the back side of the certificate application form.

(B) Transfer Form for Japan Post Bank

  • Use the transfer form (double sheet) distributed at the Japan Post Bank counter and pay at the counter or a corresponding ATM.
  • Please fill in the applicant’s name in the column specified of the transfer form for the person making the request.
  • Paste the "Transfer Payment Invoice / Receipt" of the transfer form (original or copy) on the back side of the certificate application form.

(C) Internet Banking

  • If the applicant and the account holder are different, enter the applicant's name in the area specified for the person making the request.
  • Please enclose a printout of the transfer result confirmation screen which shows the transfer date, transfer amount, transfer account, and the name of the person making the request, and send with the certificate application form.
  • When you transfer money, be sure to match the name of the person requesting the transfer and the applicant's name.
  • If a proxy makes the application, you can use the proxy’s name as the name of the person making the transfer request.

Issuance Fee Exemption

  • The issuance fee will be exempt if the application falls under any of the following. Please pay only for the reply stamp.

(A) Application by the Last Day of the Month of Graduation or Withdrawals

  • The application via mail will be judged by whether the postmark is by the end of the month.

(B) Applicant is Currently Enrolled as a Graduate School or Non-regular Student of Shizuoka University

  • Graduate students include the students of United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University assigned to Shizuoka University.
  • The applicant is considered to be enrolled at the university until the last day of the graduation or withdrawal month.

(C) Applicant is Currently Living Overseas

  • Even if the proxy lives in Japan, fees are exempted if the applicant is currently living overseas.
  • Please write the overseas address in the address column of the certificate application form.

Required Time for Issuance

  • As noted in the chart below, the issuance of certificates will take a number of days after receiving the application form.
  • When you apply, please make sure that you have enough time to complete the application before the submission deadline.
Certificate Estimated Days for Issuance and Shipment
Regular Certificate 3 days after receipt of application form
Transcript for Teacher’s License Application 5 days after receipt of application form
English Certificate 7 days after receipt of application form
  • The estimate days above do not include Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, summer holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays.
  • In case of mailed applications, please remember that the above estimated days do not include time for round-trip mailing.

Application in Person

  • Please bring the following required documents to your "Application and Contact Offices" on this page.
Required Document Description
Certificate Application Form
If the document includes required items, it is not necessary to use the form shown on the left.
Proof of Fee Payment A statement slip from an ATM (original or copy), "Transfer Payment Invoice / Receipt" (original or copy), transfer result confirmation screen printout, etc. In case the document is a small piece of paper like a statement slip from an ATM, paste it on the back side of the application form.
Self-addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) An envelope with your address, name, and the required postage already affixed. For details on envelopes and stamps, see “Self-addressed Stamped Envelopes” on this page.
Applicant’s Identification Card Driver’s License, health insurance card, passport or residence card.
  • In the case where a proxy applies, bring the following documents instead of the "Identification Card" listed above.
Required Document Description
Authorization Letter
If the document includes the self-written full name and seal or signature, it is not necessary to use the form shown on the left.
Copy of Applicant's Identification Card Driver's License, health insurance card, passport or residence card.
Proxy's Identification Card Driver's License, health insurance card, passport or residence card.
  • If you receive the certificate at the counter, a "self-addressed stamped envelope" is not necessary, but you need to present the above-mentioned "Applicant's Identification Card" (or "Proxy's Identification Card") upon receipt.

Application by Mail

  • Please mail the following required documents to your “Application and Contact Offices” on this page.
Required Document Description
Certificate Application Form
If the document includes required items, it is not necessary to use the form shown on the left.
Proof of Fee Payment A statement slip from an ATM (original or copy), "Transfer Payment Invoice / Receipt" (original or copy), transfer result confirmation screen printout, etc. In case the document is a small piece of paper like a statement slip from an ATM, paste it on the back side of the application form.
Self-addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) An envelope with your address, name, and the required postage already affixed. For details on envelopes and stamps, see “Self-addressed Stamped Envelopes” on this page.
Copy of Applicant's Identification Card Driver's License, health insurance card, passport or residence card.
  • In the case where a proxy applies, mail the following required documents in addition to the items listed above.
Required Document Description
Authorization Letter
If the document includes the self-written full name and seal or signature, it is not necessary to use the form shown on the left.
Copy of Proxy’s Identification Card Driver's License, health insurance card, passport or residence card.
  • Write the address and description as follows on the envelope in which you will send the required documents to the university.
Address Example 1)
Student Affairs Unit, Faculty of XXX, Shizuoka University, 836, Ohya, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-Shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 422-8529, Japan
Example 2)
Educational Affairs Unit, Faculty of XXX, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1, Johoku, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 432-8561, Japan
Description Write "Certificate Application" with red letters on the front side of the envelope.
  • The copy of the applicant's identification card mailed to the university will be sent back with the certificate after confirmation.
  • If you receive a certificate at the counter, a "self-addressed stamped envelopes" is not necessary, but you need to present above-mentioned "Applicant's Identification Card" (or "Proxy's Identification Card") upon receipt.

Self-addressed Stamped Envelopes (SASEs)

  • The envelopes and postage required for receiving the certificate are shown in the following table.
Office Certificate and Number Envelope Size Amount of Postage
All Office Japanese certificate * 1 Choukei 3 84 JPY
Japanese certificate * [2 - 3] 94 JPY
Japanese certificate * [4 - 7] Kakugata 3 140 JPY
Student Affairs Unit
-- Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences
English certificate (other than transcript) * 1 Kakugata 3 120 JPY
English certificate (other than transcript) * [2 - 4] 140 JPY
English certificate (transcript) * [1 - 2] 140 JPY
Student Affairs Unit
-- Faculty of Education
-- Faculty of Science
-- Faculty of Agriculture

Educational Affairs Unit
-- Faculty of Engineering/ Doctoral Course
-- Faculty of Informatics
English certificate (other than transcript) * 1 Choukei 3 84 JPY
English certificate (other than transcript) * [2 - 3] 94 JPY
English certificate (other than transcript) * [4 - 7] Kakugata 3 140 JPY
English certificate (transcript) * 1 Choukei 3 94 JPY
English certificate (transcript) * [2 - 3]  Kakugata 3 140 JPY
  • Choukei 3: 120 * 235mm / Kakugata 3: 216 * 277mm
  • In case of numbers larger than listed above, please inquire about the amount of postage necessary at your “Application and Contact Offices”.
  • If you wish to have your certificate sent by express mail, please include an additional 260 JPY with the above amount given.
  • The above table shows postage, etc. when the receiver’s destination is in Japan.

Application and Contact Offices

Shizuoka Campus

Faculty Graduated From Office

Phone Number

> Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
> Junior College of Law and Economics
Student Affairs Unit,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
> Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
> Shizuoka Law School (Doctor)
> Faculty of Education Student Affairs Unit,
Faculty of Education
> Graduate School of Education (Master / Doctor)
> Faculty of Science Student Affairs Unit,
Faculty of science
> Graduate School of Integrated Science and
Technology (Department of Science) (Master)
> Graduate School of Science (Master)
> Graduate School of Science and Engineering
(Master / Doctor)
> Faculty of Agriculture Student Affairs Unit,
Faculty of Agriculture
> Graduate School of Integrated Science and
Technology (Department of Agriculture) (Master)
> Graduate School of Agriculture (Master)


Shizuoka University, 836, Ohya, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-Shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 422-8529, Japan

Hamamatsu Campus

Faculty Graduated From Office Phone Number
> Faculty of Engineering
> Junior College of Engineering
Educational Affairs Unit,
Faculty of Engineering/ Doctoral Course
>Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology
(Department of Engineering) (Master)
> Graduate School of Engineering (Master)
> Graduate School of Science and Engineering
(Master / Doctor)
> Graduate School of Science and Technology (Doctor)
> Graduate School of Medical Photonics (Doctor)
> Graduate School of Electronic Science and Technology (Doctor)
Educational Affairs Unit,
Doctoral Course
> Faculty of Informatics Educational Affairs Unit,
Faculty of Informatics
> Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology
(Department of Informatics) (Master)
> Graduate School of Informatics (Master)


Shizuoka University, 3-5-1, Johoku, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 432-8561, Japan

Certificate Application Form

Notice on Filling-in the Certificate Application Form

  • If the applicant falls under the fee exemption, enter "0 JPY" in the subtotal and grand total columns.
  • Make sure to match the amount of the grand total column and the attached “statement slips from ATMs”, etc.
  • The certificates are sealed in Shizuoka University envelopes individually if not otherwise specified. Please indicate in the appropriate column of the application form if you have any requests concerning the sealing of envelopes.
  • Fill in the “Purpose of Certificate” and the “Faculty” fields with as match detail as possible.
  • When you apply for a “Teacher’s License Transcription” for junior or senior high schools, specify the subject in the appropriate fields. The “Credit Replacement” column is treated as “Using as is Category” by default. If you wish to obtain the license, but graduated without having completed the required credits under the old rules, check the “Replace with New Rules”.
    -- Please inquire at your “Application and Contact Offices” if you have any questions concerning this point.
    -- The “Teacher’s License Transcription” field is omitted in the English version of the application form.
  • If you are the person who graduated junior college earlier than October 1st, 2005, when the associate degree was established, consider the “Certificate of Graduation and Diploma” column as “Certificate of Graduation” and enter the requested number of copies.

Certificate Issuance Policy

  • In principle, the applicant’s name at the time of graduation is used on certificates barring special circumstances.
    Please prove surname changes, etc. with a certificate issued by the appropriate government office, etc.
  • Issued certificates cannot be sent as electronic data such as PDF files or fax. All certificates are issued on paper.

Application from Overseas

  • If you are living overseas, please apply through a proxy in Japan.
    Application by proxy needs the authorization letter and the identification card of the applicant.
  • If the applicant lives overseas, the issuance fee will be exempted even if the proxy lives in Japan.
  • In case that an application by proxy is difficult, please inquire via the link, "Inquiry Form", given below.
    Be sure to include the name of the faculty or graduate school you graduated from in your "Inquiry Form".

Privacy Policy

  • Personal information on the documents that you submitted to Shizuoka University for the certificate issuance will be used only for certificate issuance and will not be used for other purposes.

Certificate Application for Current Student

  • Please refer to the link below for the certificate issuance procedures for currently enrolled students.

Japanese Page

  • Please refer to the link below for the Japanese version of this page.