News & Events
2024/06/19EventsShizuoka University Student Photo Competition 2024![ Dates:2024/06/26~ ]
2024/09/30News21st Inter-Academia Conference was held in Poland (hosted by Warsaw University of Technology)
2024/09/24Press ReleaseEffects of within-day intervals on adaptation to visually induced motion sickness in a virtual-reality motorcycling simulator
2024/09/19Events【Notice】2024 Fall Enrollment Ceremony[ Dates:2024/10/03 ]
2024/09/182024 Autumn Graduation Ceremony: President’s Address
2024/09/05Press ReleaseIntrinsic Piezoelectricity of PZT
2024/08/21Press ReleaseElectron Transfer Enhanced by a Minimal Energetic Driving Force at the Organic-Semiconductor Interface
2024/08/21Events【Notice】2024 Fall Graduation Ceremony[ Dates:2024/09/11 ]
2024/07/05Press ReleaseEvidence for suboceanic small-scale convection from a “garnet”-bearing lherzolite xenolith from Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands
2024/07/05RecruitmentsTenure track Assistant Professor Position at the Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, Japan[ Dates:2024/10/18 ]
2024/07/04RecruitmentsShizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture (Applied Life Sciences / Field of plant) Recruitment of Tenure Track Faculty (Female Only)[ Dates:2024/09/03 ]
2024/07/04RecruitmentsShizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture (Applied Life Sciences / Microorganisms) Recruitment of Tenure Track Faculty (Female Only)[ Dates:2024/09/03 ]