News & Events
2022/09/16News"Shizuoka University Student Photo Competition 2022" Results Announcement
2022/09/15NewsShizuoka University participated in the Japan-Africa University Exchange Conference and Presidents' Round Table Meeting (Aug. 22, 2022)
2022/09/142022 Autumn Graduation Ceremony: President's Address
2022/08/26Events【Notice】2022 Fall Graduation Ceremony *update about livestreaming[ Dates:2022/09/12 ]
2022/07/13NewsShizuoka University activity guidelines for the new coronavirus infection 2022.07.13
2022/06/03Press ReleaseDeep learning-based accurate grapevine inflorescence and flower quantification in unstructured vineyard images acquired using a mobile sensing platform
2022/05/06Press ReleaseOrganic Crystalline Solid Electrolytes with High Mg-Ion Conductivity Composed of Nonflammable Ionic Liquid Analogs and Mg(TFSA)2
2022/04/19NewsAbout the COVID-19 Vaccinations (Booster shots) at Shizuoka University
2022/04/18EventsShizuoka University Student Photo Competition 2022![ Dates:2022/04/18~ ]
2022/04/11RecruitmentsTenure Track Lecturer Position at the Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan
2022/04/07NewsAbout the COVID-19 Vaccinations (Booster shots) at Shizuoka University
2022/03/31Press ReleaseThe heavier the arm, the higher the action: the effects of forearm-weight changes on reach-to-grasp movements.