May 2000 | To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the university's founding, a school emblem, color, and flag (the "school symbols") were created. |
November 2005 | The campus mascot, "Shizuppi," is created as a friendly representative for the university. |
May 2007 | Shizuppi is registered as a trademark. |
School Emblem
Soon after the university's opening (around June 1949), a design selected from student submissions was modified and went into general use as a Shizuoka University badge.
In 1999, as part of the university's 50th anniversary celebrations, the original design was revised and formally established as the school emblem.
This new emblem preserves the existing design and concept, expressed in a fresh manner suitable to a new era.
Emblem design and concept
The emblem design depicts the vast natural stage upon which the university is situated. In the background rises the massive Mt. Fuji and the smaller Mt. Hoei as visible from the university campus, while in the foreground are the billowing waves of the Sea of Enshu and Suruga Bay.
- 1. Mt. Fuji
- This signature mountain of Shizuoka Prefecture and Japan as a whole symbolizes lofty dignity and solemnity.
- 2. Billowing
waves - The billowing waves of the Sea of Enshu and Suruga Bay represent the ocean, origin of all life, and symbolize ceaseless creation and progress.
- 3. Circular
form - The circular form of the emblem symbolizes the hope for harmonious human and academic progress within a bountiful natural environment.
School color
Purple-accented blue recalls the early morning hue of Mt. Fuji and conveys a feeling of fresh vitality. Moreover, this is also the color of the waves in the Sea of Enshu and Suruga Bay, a symbol of great possibilities.
◆特色使用時DIC:143 ◆プロセスカラー使用時Cyan82%+magenta63%
Campus mascot
The campus mascot first appeared on the university's home page in the fall of 2003. To facilitate more active use of this mascot, suggestions for a name were taken, and "Shizuppi" was chosen.
Use of the School Symbols
It is hoped that the widespread use of the school symbols by the people of the surrounding region and others outside the university will enhance the university's image and result in more effective public relations. These in turn will create an attractive, trusted image for the university. To ensure that the face of Shizuoka University will project a positive image to all persons everywhere, we request that such usage be carried out in accordance with the following points.
Use of the school symbols by other than the teachers and staff of the university is subject to approval of a Shizuoka University School Symbols Usage Request, as stipulated in Article 7 of the Rules Concerning Use of Shizuoka University School Symbols. [Japanese Only]
A form for requesting permission to use the symbols can be downloaded below.
The request form can be downloaded here.→ Word [Japanese Only]PDF [Japanese Only] - Use of the school symbols for profit- or sales-related purposes is subject to various requirements, including a usage agreement, as stipulated by Article 8 of Rules Concerning Use of Shizuoka University Trademarks. [Japanese Only]
- The existing design of the school symbols must not be altered.
- Care must be taken to ensure that the school symbols are not used in a manner that is detrimental to the university's dignity or image.
- Permission for use may be denied if the university's reputation is damaged or if there is a risk of such damage.
Trademark and copyright
Copyright to the school emblem and copyright and trademark right to the campus character shall remain with Shizuoka University.
Unauthorized use is prohibited.
- 1 ) General issues concerning use
- Contact: Shizuoka University Public Relations and Funding Section Public Relations unit
Address: 836 Ohya, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture 422-8529 Japan
E-mail:koho_all[at] ※Please change [at] to @. - 2 ) Screening, contracts
- Contact: Shizuoka University University-Industry Cooperation Support Section
Address: Organization for Innovation and Social Collaboration 3-5-1 Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture 432-8561 Japan
E-mail:kenkyu3[at] ※Please change [at] to @.