




 その後、入学生を代表して、インドネシアからの留学生で自然科学系教育部バイオサイエンス専攻のLUTHFI LULUL ULUM(ルトフィー ルルー ウルム)さん(静岡キャンパス)、バングラデシュからの留学生で自然科学系教育部ナノビジョン工学専攻のAHMED NABIL(アフメド ナビル)さん(浜松キャンパス)から、これからの大学生活に向けた力強い宣誓がありました。

▲静岡大学管弦楽団による演奏 (静岡キャンパス)


▲静岡大学管弦楽団による演奏 (浜松キャンパス)


・新入生代表 LUTHFI LULUL ULUMさん宣誓(静岡キャンパス)
・新入生代表 AHMED NABILさん宣誓(浜松キャンパス)

2021 Autumn Induction Ceremony: President's Address

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the autumn 2021 Shizuoka University induction ceremony for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. I would like to extend a heartfelt greeting to you all.

Since spreading throughout the globe last year, COVID-19 remains a dreadful disease with no end in sight. Therefore, I regret that many of the students who were supposed to attend this ceremony today are not here yet. (I will be sending online greetings to these students.)

I would first like to extend my sincere congratulations to all the students who could join us today: the 20 undergraduates, the 44 graduates, and the 25 doctoral students. I want to also extend my felicitations to your families and those who have supported you to this point.

Today, I believe many of our undergraduates and graduate students are a part of the Asia Bridge Program (ABP). We started the program six years ago, at the request of companies located in Shizuoka Prefecture. Many of these firms are expanding throughout Asia. They need talent who can act as a bridge with the local workers. These companies have made significant donations to establish scholarship programs in order to provide financial support to our ABP students. Fortunately, many ABP graduates have found positions at these companies, succeeding as expected.

ABP has also been groundbreaking for Shizuoka University, both in the corporate support it has had from the beginning, and in the unprecedented, exceptionally diverse educational and research environment it has fostered. I think it is remarkable that through this program, international students and Japanese students can interact with each other through classes and research activities. I hope you will actively interact with Japanese students, make good friendships, and help to further increase Shizuoka University's diversity.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has hindered students worldwide with regards to moving freely across borders and building close relationships with people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds through mutual exchange. However, despite this situation, we need to realize that we have a critical role in building bridges across borders. I sincerely hope that at Shizuoka University, where educational and research rights are fully guaranteed, students and faculty members continue to enthusiastically engage in discussion and develop initiatives to create a better future for us all.

Many of the problems before us require solutions that elude us. The 21st century awaits people who can find these solutions. Many of the problems we face today are so complex and have so many different aspects that individual disciplines alone cannot address them. To deal with such intractable problems, we must go beyond individual specialties and work with various academic disciplines. For instance, society looks to us for initiatives to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end, strategies to decarbonize society, and solutions to bridge the social and economic gaps occurring worldwide. However, achieving these goals requires interdisciplinary cooperation. I hope you will challenge yourselves to break down the boundaries between the humanities and the sciences as you study and conduct your research at Shizuoka University. Naturally, you will depend on your expertise in your research. Still, I hope you will expand your studies to include subjects that you may think are unrelated to your specialty, yet later you may find that they will play an integral part in your creativity within your own field. I believe that this approach to learning is crucial. Pursuing such efforts should greatly expand the potential and scope of your research. I urge you to try this approach.

At Shizuoka University, you will be free to pursue your research according to your interests and disseminate your academic and research findings to society. In other words, at Shizuoka University, we value your inquisitive spirit and creative exploration. Research and initiatives that were considered "useless" at one time may earn significant appreciation in our changing society as time moves on. I hope that during your time at Shizuoka University, where we respect each individual's approach to inquiry, you will refuse passivity and actively pursue many challenges.
You will now live in Japan for several years to come. Naturally, you will live in environments that differ from your home countries, so many things may confuse you, including language and customs. I hope that you will enjoy this opportunity and experience the Japanese language and culture. Shizuoka Prefecture, where you will be living, is blessed with natural splendor and a rich history and culture that captivates many. I sincerely hope that you will lead a fulfilling student life in such a blessed environment.

In closing, I would like to offer my congratulations to each and every one of you who have chosen to pursue your academic journey at Shizuoka University today.

令和3年度秋季入学式 学長挨拶








